Monday, November 7, 2011

Tomato Carrot

        Since there I'm the only one home and the sun is almost gone until tomorrow, I had to use my trusty webcam for today's pictures.  But enough of that.  Regarding my outfit, I am absolutely in love.  I had to sacrifice warmth, but that's ok because I had my cozy scarf that made me constantly find fuzz in my throughout the day.  Speaking of fuzz, if you ever find yourself playing hangman with someone use the word fuzz.  Trust me, it stumps everybody.  Anyways, the skirt is looking tomato red in this picture but in reality it's a tomato carrot.  Or in less elementary terms, a burnt orange. Since not a lot goes with this color I opted for the rest of my outfit being all black and adding my trusty denim jacket.  As for the boots they are my newest purchase from a slightly ghetto shoe store in the mall.  People were looking at me really funny in there, but hey! I got a nice pair of boots for $35!
        My next post will be showing you all the purchases I made this weekend and telling you about all the great deals you need to check out. Stay tuned!

Jacket: Gap, Shirt: Walmart, Skirt: Forever 21, Tights: Target, Scarf: mom, Boots: Sheik

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