Tuesday, November 29, 2011


            I just got this nail polish and I'm already in love.  I might even go as far as to say that this is my all time favorite nail polish.  It's called Rage by the brand, Orly.  I've been eyeing this polish for a long time now and finally decided to splurge on it's $8 price.  It's a shimmery/glittery nail polish without being too obnoxious.  The color is a champagney, rose gold color that I must admit goes great with my skin tone.  Totally recommend this nail polish!

                                                          Rage by Orly

The Newest Addition to My Coat Obsession

            My Mario got me this amazing coat from Abercrombie & Fitch.  This is by far the best quality coat I have ever owned.  It's structured perfectly!  And best of it all it has toggles! I instantly love anything that has toggles.  The lining is also made from wool but it has an adorable plaid print.  But nobody sees that anyways :/.  The sleeves are a bit long, but I think they're supposed to be like that.  Eventually I'll probably have them tailored to fit my short arms. 
            This scarf is such a pain.  I was constantly finding fuzz in my mouth throughout the whole day.  And it also got purple fuzz all over my jacket.  This thing is currently in the washer and drier getting defuzzed. 

     Coat: Abercrombie & Fitch, Jeans: Aeropostale, Shirt: Walmart, Scarf: Forever 21, Boots: Target

Freezing My Legs Off

            Yesterday I froze my legs off.  But it was completely worth it because I got to wear my very first maxi dress.  I've always loved the trend but could never find one that was the right length considering I'm only 5'1ish.  But on Black Friday I went to Anthropologie only to find that they were having an amazing sale: 50% off all clearance items.  I found this cotton long sleeved maxi dress for $20!  And the bonus? It has STRIPES!  Hi, my name is Natalia, and I am a stripes addict. 
            The downside was that it was of course dragging on the ground way too much.  But that was easily fixed by adding a belt to the waist and draping the excess fabric over the belt so that it was concealed. 
            So that I wouldn't completely freeze to death I added my trusty denim jacket and my white cowl.  This outfit would have been really cute with a pair of Rainbows or just a pair of gladiators.  But since I decided to be realistic I wore my converse instead. 

                    Dress: Anthropologie, Jacket: Gap, Cowl: mom, Shoes: Converse

Friday, November 25, 2011

Casual Friday

            A quick post on what I wore today: My new Old Navy sweater that I bought today while doing some Black Friday shopping, and a pair of comfy jeans. Today we went to Vicksburg, Mississippi where we went to a Civil War battlefield.  But since we couldn't really walk around we decided to walk around the city cemetery.  I happen to love cemeteries; looking at the peoples names, how long they lived, etc. 
            Tomorrow I will post some of the pictures I took at the cemetery while waiting for our plane.  I'll be back in California in 26 hours! woohoo! So until then, goodnight!

                           Sweater: Old Navy, Jeans: American Eagle, Shoes: Converse

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day

            Checking in from Mississippi!  My Mom, brother, and I got here on Tuesday night after about 10 hours of traveling.  You might be asking yourself, why Mississippi?  My uncle and two of my cousins live here (not by choice). 
            Due to lack of room I could only pack 3 outfits. 2 bad things: 1. They were all winter outfits.  2. It's been 72ºF every day.  But this wasn't too big of an issue because it gave me an excuse to go shopping!  I bought this cotton tunic at Plato's Closet for $10. 

             Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving and don't get too crazy at Black Friday!

Dress: Plato's Closet, Denim Jacket: Gap, Tank top: Aeropostale, Tights: Target, Boots: Sheikk

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Frilly Headband

            This might be my new favorite-winter-outfit.  It's comfy, cute, and features my favorite H&M coat.  But then I added something to the outfit that was very different for me.  I've never worn something like this, but I ended up loving it!  It is a knitted black band with two flowers made out of some black sheer fabric and I got it at Forever 21 about a month ago.  Now I'll be on the lookout for some more of these.  I'm thinking a turquoise one next!
            And then my mom and I went to The Habit for lunch, of course.

                        Coat: H&M, Tights: Walmart, Boots: Target, Headband: Forever 21

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Color Blocking

            This post was supposed to go up yesterday, my apologies.  Every morning when I am freshly awake and still in bed I lay there thinking about what I should wear that day.  I figure it gives me an excuse to stay in my cozy bed for a little while longer.  For some reason this outfit was the very first thing to pop into my head.  This was kind of weird considering when I think of an outfit it always looks good in my head but then I put it on and all it is is a disappointment.  I of course wanted to wear my converse with this outfit but I decided against it since I've worn them in the past two or three posts.  The white pants are so much fun to wear; I think that they give any outfit an unexpected twist.  And if the jeans weren't a good enough twist I added a bright pop of color with my favorite sweater of the moment. 
            Oh and I got a haircut!
            Of course I had to add a random picture of the day.  This one is what we had for dinner: Enchilada Casserole.  It was pretty tasty!  It's a new recipe that I found on Pinterest. 


Sweater: H&M, Shirt: Aeropastale, Jeans: Marshalls, Boots: Sheikk, Scarf: mom

Monday, November 14, 2011

40 Second Mug Cake

         Today I came across this recipe on a very dangerous website called Pinterest.  I was intrigued to learn that it involved only 3 ingredients and took only 40 seconds!  Here's the process:

                                                     What you'll need:
                                                      1 cute mug
                                                      1 egg
                                                      2 Tbsp of cocoa powder
                                                      1/4 cup of powdered sugar

                                                     And a cute baby whisk!

                                                   Combine all 3 ingredients.                      

              After you whisk your little heart out it should look something like this.

                                            Stick it in the microwave for 40-45 seconds.

          Dump a handful of chocolate chips onto it immediately after it's done microwaving.

                                       In the end it should look something like this.

            Final Verdict: If you are a dark chocolate fan you would like this.  Since I am not this was kind of gross to me.  To make it sweeter I'd probably add more sugar and top it with ice cream instead of chocolate chips.  This was a cute idea regardless and I'll have to do some more experimenting!

A Pop of Pink Pleather

         This might not look like a "pop" of pink on camera but this jacket is definitely a dust rose color in person.  It's one of my newest purchases from Forever 21 for $25!  I'm not sure why Forever 21 gets such a bad rap for their poor quality.  Nothing that I have ever bought there has fallen apart on me.  This coming from a girl whose closet consists of about 40% Forever 21 clothes. 
          Today one of my best friends Jesse, and I went to The Habit for lunch.  Boy do I love this place! The burgers are very delicious and filling, and the fries are golden and crisp.  At $6 a pop I could go there everyday (but that could get nauseating real fast). 

       Jacket: Forever 21, Shirt: American Eagle, Jeans: Volcom, Shoes: Converse, Necklace: Forever 21

Sunday, November 13, 2011

If Earrings Could Kill

        I'm sick of sitting in a car.  This weekend I went from the Bay Area to La and the back to the Bay Area in 26 hours.  And then the next day we drove to Chico for a 6 hour bowling tournament! Insanity! I'm currently typing this in my comfy bed and not getting out of it until tomorrow.
        Today Mario and I went to Ikea (and no, not just for meatballs) for a down comforter.  My brother also needed some drinking glasses. I almost dropped them when I saw the price.  6 for $1.50!   How does that even work?  With the cost of the glass, cardboard, and fuel it took to get them to California how does Ikea get any profit from these cute little glasses? This just flabbergasts me.  Enough about the cheap glasses!
         For my outfit I went for an I'm-dressing-comfy-because-I-don't-know-what-else-to-wear look. What a mouth full.  That is all.  Oh wait, the spike earrings!  They're from Forever 21 and I love them.  They make any look edgier which make them that much cooler.
         I did something different with my makeup since the outfit was pretty boring.  A simple cat eye with a lot of mascara and my favorite fuschia lipstick from Covergirl. 

                       Jeans: Areopostale, Coat: Old Navy, Scarf: mom, Shoes: Converse

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tomato Carrot

        Since there I'm the only one home and the sun is almost gone until tomorrow, I had to use my trusty webcam for today's pictures.  But enough of that.  Regarding my outfit, I am absolutely in love.  I had to sacrifice warmth, but that's ok because I had my cozy scarf that made me constantly find fuzz in my throughout the day.  Speaking of fuzz, if you ever find yourself playing hangman with someone use the word fuzz.  Trust me, it stumps everybody.  Anyways, the skirt is looking tomato red in this picture but in reality it's a tomato carrot.  Or in less elementary terms, a burnt orange. Since not a lot goes with this color I opted for the rest of my outfit being all black and adding my trusty denim jacket.  As for the boots they are my newest purchase from a slightly ghetto shoe store in the mall.  People were looking at me really funny in there, but hey! I got a nice pair of boots for $35!
        My next post will be showing you all the purchases I made this weekend and telling you about all the great deals you need to check out. Stay tuned!

Jacket: Gap, Shirt: Walmart, Skirt: Forever 21, Tights: Target, Scarf: mom, Boots: Sheik